Tibetan Law : All Pages
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Blog posts
Khrims: changes in the Tibetan concept of law
Imperial Amnesties. Or, did Tibetans use dice to decide legal cases?
Yeshe Öd the law-maker
The problem of punishment in early Tibetan law
The turquoise dragon: symbol of political status?
The drum of the law: symbol of shamanic power, warfare, or justice?
Urgyen Lingpa: political and legal sceptic
The Texts
Letter from Buddhaguhya
Letter from Pelyang
Old Tibetan Chronicle
Scripture from the Sky
dBa'/sBa bzhed chronicles
bKa' chems ka khol ma
Door to the dharma
Nyang ral
Mani bka' 'bum
Grags pa gling grags
The lDe'u chronicles
Chronicle of Bu ston
bKa' thang sde lnga
Padma bka' thang
Red Annals
rGyal rabs gsal ba’i me long
Testament of Jangchub Gyaltsen
mDo dri med gzi brjid
Lang Potiseru
The Great History of China and Tibet
Blue Annals
Biography of Yeshe Ö
Ngari Chronicle
New Red Annals
Feast for Scholars
The Mirror of the Two Laws
Khrims gnyis parts 1
Khrims gnyis part 3
Khrims gnyis part 4(1)
Khrims gnyis part 4(2)
Legal documents
bca’ yig
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Tibetan Law: Use of cookies on this website
Letter from Buddhaguhya
Letter from Dpal dbyangs to the Tibetan king
The Old Tibetan Chronicle